Technical Rescue
Platte Valley Fire maintains Technical Rescue trained members on each shift. These members are educated in mitigating the hazards associated with emergencies involving building collapse, trench rescue, confined space, and rope-based access. All members are initially trained by attending West Metros’s Technical Rescue Academy and receive additional advanced training in the various disciplines every year.
The department maintains a large amount of specialized equipment to assist our personnel in resolving the complex intricacies of technical rescues. The operational goal of the Technical Rescue Team at Platte Valley Fire is to stabilize & mitigate unusual emergencies while augmenting other fire departments in Northern Colorado through our mutual aid agreements.
While special rescue situations may not be a common occurrence in the fire service, Platte Valley Fire believes it is a crucial service to provide the citizens and industrial community of Northern Colorado. If you would like more information, please contact our Technical Rescue Lead, Adam Peabody at