The Platte Valley Fire Protection District was formed in 1954, combining the Kersey Volunteer Fire Department and the Kersey Rescue Squad. A hearing was set for June 21, 1954 in District Court on proposed information for the Platte Valley Fire Protection District. The District would originally include all the lands in School Districts No. 72, Hardin; No. 73, Kuner; No. 81, Valley View, and No. 98; Kersey. It would also include all of the Gill School District, No. 87, except SW ¼-30-6-63; 31-6-63; and sections 3, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 23, 25 and 36, Township 6, Range 64.  The petition stated that $30,000 would be needed for improvements and expenses in the formation of the District.

It was announced on August 11th, 1954 that bonds for the Platte Valley Fire Protection District were approved after an election.  The District would then construct a fire station in Kersey and buy a fire truck. The location of the Station had not yet been decided.  Proposed as first Directors of the District are George F. Jurgens, Route 4, Greeley, who lives in the Kersey School District; Fred C. Herbst, Valley View District; Gilbert Danley, Gill District; George H. Morgan, Kuner District; and Alfred Peters, Hardin District.

Our Historical Timeline


The first bucket wagon was built and donated by George Mortimer and his father.  Originally it had wooden spoke wheels and leather buckets. The wheels were later changed to have rubber on them so they could be pulled by a vehicle. Hose carts were also used. Once place known to have stored a cart was in the garage of the old hotel. We still have this bucket wagon.


A hose cart was purchased from the Greeley Fire Department for $75.  We still have this hose cart.


A fire truck was to be purchased from the War Surplus Assets Board for $1,350.00


The Platte Valley Fire Protection District was formed.  The tax levied was 2.25 mills.


The first District apparatus was a red GMC truck ordered in 1954 and delivered in 1955. Following closely behind were the first rescue units, which were a converted bread truck and a converted Ford hearse.


In the mid 1960’s, a dispute arose between the Kersey Volunteer Fire Department & Rescue Squad and the Platte Valley Fire Protection District.  They separated, but both continued to provide service.


The fire department purchases their own siren and placed it on the second level of the water tower. The town and fire department sirens would have a different pitch.


The Rescue Squad receives funds for a new Ambulance from federal grant money.


The Kersey Volunteer Fire Department and the Platte Valley Fire Protection District join forces


First Female Firefighter – Mrs. Sandy Wakeman


Bond issues for new Fire Station & Apparatus


New Fire Station opened at 207 1st Street


Kersey Volunteer Fire Department name dissolved. The organization will move forward solely as the Platte Valley Fire Protection District.


First career staff members were hired, including the positions of Fire Chief, Training Officer, and part-time Admin Assistant.


First career daytime Firefighters hired.


Water Rescue Team “Sam’s Team” was formed


Mill levy passed providing 24/7 career staffing and the funding to build a new Firehouse


Firehouse and burn building groundbreaking at 27128 County Road 53


New Firehouse #1 opens
Historic “500 Year Flood”


Apparatus paint scheme change (Blue over White)


First Battalion Chief of Operations


District Master Plan completed


Six People Per Shift


Training ground project completed thanks to Energy Impact Grant Funding


New District Logo/Patch


First Strategic Plan Developed

Past Fire Chiefs

Bill Izzy

Buzz Bishop

Alvin Dusin

John Fahrenbruch

Stan Christman

Chuck Kler

Jim Lee

Merle Miller

Jess Bond

David Wright

David Bond

Randy Honstein

Barry Schaefer

James Klug, Present

Fire helmet